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The Stories of the Four Hires
Why a talent person is the key point to reach successful? 為何尋得好人材是成功的關鍵? 二年前 4331

The Roof the Front Palaces
A study in visual storytelling : The history of Three Kingdoms 一些三國演義的故事? 二年前 4383

The Head Blocks
Bring the telescope when you visit the temple, Go and look at the top of roof. 二年前 4392

The Su Paintings
Plenty of paintings About Historical Events in Temple. 這些彩色繪畫為何稱做蘇式? 二年前 4306

Inscribed stones
The Milestones Of Beigang Chaotian Temple 有關朝天宮歷史的石碑 二年前 4475

Matsu's Philosophy
The Core Of Chinese Morals 為何道德是最重要的? 二年前 4205

The pictures of Auspice
Several Positive Things Join Together Which Means Fortunes 牡丹麒麟鳳鳳為何被擺在一起? 二年前 4497

Shiang Yu Ke Cheng
Japanese Hold In High Respect And Reverence 不信媽祖的日本人為何也感恩媽祖? 二年前 4364

Hai Tien Ling Kuang
Why so many people believed in Chinese God- Matsu ? 這個匾額講的是什麼故事? 二年前 4366

Wen Ming Chi Shiang
Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the world 知識份子的責任是什麼? 二年前 4351

Guan Yin Palace
The Introduction of Guan Yin God 觀音菩薩的介紹 二年前 4527

Tsz Yun Sa Ruen
Local Myths Carry Blessing Signals About Miracle Happen 被歷史記載的奇蹟是什麼? 二年前 4298

Chi Lin Sending a child
Tell you a story of the greatest power came 一個告訴你團結力量大的故事 二年前 5292

Teh Rear Side of the Roof
How one can defeat his enemy with courage ? 一個人如何展現勇氣擊退敵軍? 二年前 4563

The Gate Blocks
In Matsu religion, people would learn the way of Matsu and become a Matsu in the 二年前 4504

The Nation and the People
What The Carved Calligraphy Taught Us About The Country And People 這裡的門額提醒我們要 二年前 4681

Guei Dai and Pai Tou
How to express Chinese opera spirit through architecture ? 傳統中國戲曲的節目如何在建築中展現? 二年前 4567

The Bodhisattvas
Matsu represent Taoism and Buddha represent Buddhism. What's the different betwe 二年前 4358

Scholarly Honor
People need a good luck for the exam especially students, you really need to loo 二年前 4482

Praising the Matsu
Poem About Praising Matsu 一些關於讚揚媽祖的詞句 二年前 4575

Roof Ridge
Kongming(Zhuge Liang) is a famous and well-known politician during Three Kingdom 二年前 4666

Shen Jao Hai Biao
You would have a chance to see some spots which were made by Qing dynasty in tem 二年前 4476

The Buo Gu Tu
There are lots of carving flowers around Beigang Chaotian Temple specially on th 二年前 4525

Money rat bites golden gourd
Why does rat bit gourd mean ? 為什麼老鼠咬南瓜代表著財富? 二年前 4464

The Eight Saints
There are eight Chinese Angels on the roof in temple, who are they ? 屋頂上的神仙代表 二年前 4259

The Dragon Pillars at Ho Bu Koo
Watch this video if you like "Turtle Ninja", why it's on the Dragon Pillars? 二年前 4332

The Dragon Pillars at Chien BU KO
Anything particular for the Dragon Pillars ? What's the story of this? 廟前的龍柱有 二年前 4336

Supporting Chest
There are some unique carved down the bottom. What's look like ? 在廟宇建築牆面最下方的雕 二年前 4526

Four Dragon Kings
What's the details for four Dragon Kings ? 四海龍王分別有什麼特色? 二年前 4565

The Rooftop
Bring your eyes to see the rooftop in temple. Interesting to watch this. 中國 二年前 4674

Yu Gung Chiao DU
Matsu's blessing are for all of the people no matter who you are. 牆壁石雕中有漁夫、樵夫 二年前 4329

Turtle and Ba Zi Wall
What's the meaningful for the turtle wall in Temple? 圓弧型的圍牆有什麼意義嗎? 二年前 4500

Lord Tai Tz & Tiger
Don't forget to brings some row eggs when you visit Beigang Chaotian Temple. 二年前 4671

The Bucket Clutch
Why Elephants and Lions are on the Ceiling? Anything special you would like to k 二年前 4492

Ming Guang Shuen Ji
There are four extraordinary persons at the Temple Square. Who are they? 為何媽 二年前 4553

Waterwheel Block
The history of the Three Kingdoms is well-known history for Chinese people. 二年前 4520

Carved Calligraphy
What's the story for the Carved Calligraphy of Matsu Palace? 掛在媽祖正殿的匾額說著什麼故事 二年前 4357

Paragons of Failial Piety
The Core of Matsu's principle 孝順是媽祖信仰最重要的原則 在這個最顯眼的地方告訴你 二年前 4467

The Head Porch
People tend to use the lions for temple design. Share with you the story. 中國 二年前 4362

The Gate Seal
Many traditional main gates of the house were made by wood in the past. how to m 二年前 4421

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